Every day, women of all ages are making the decision to protect themselves with a firearm.

In addition to a fun weekly Ladies Night event at Franktown Firearms, we offer Women’s Only classes taught by a female NRA Certified Instructor.

Register for a class and learn to defend yourself and your loved ones with confidence!

Training prices are as follows:

Basic Concealed Carry (full class price) – $120
Defensive Pistol 1 (full class price) – $150 ($120 if Basic CC was taken at Franktown Firearms)

One-on-one or private group classes:

One-on-One Pistol 1 – $250 (2 – $350)
One-on-One Pistol 2 – $270 (2 – $400)
Private Group Pistol 1 (3 – 4) – $550
Private Group Pistol 2 (3 – 4) – $700
Custom or Specific Skill Training – $50 per hour (1 hour minimum), $40 each per hour (2 people)